Selasa, 12 Maret 2013

It was reported last year that Emma Watson would be starring in the film Your Voice in My Head, a film based on a memoir by Emma Forrest which chronicles her troubled younger years and the psychiatrist who helped her. Now, Stanely Tucci, who will portray the psychiatrist, has revealed that Emma Watson has been replaced by Emily Blunt (Looper, The Devil Wears Prada).
There's no word yet on why Watson left the film, but we're sure she's busy with other great projects! You can watch the original interview with Stanley Tucci here.

Jumat, 08 Maret 2013

James Walter


Walters was born in Boston, Massachusetts and grew up in Marblehead, Massachusetts.[3] After graduating from high school, Jamie Walters attended New York University and studied film for two years and studied acting at The Actors Space in New York City.

While attending college, he was discovered at a bank by a casting agent who placed him in three high profile commercials for Levi's 501 Jeans. He then moved to Los Angeles to pursue an acting and musical career. He played a bit role on Everyday Heroes. His film debut came in 1991 with the movie Shout, alongside John Travolta, Heather Graham, and Gwyneth Paltrow. Walters performed the song "Rockin' the Pad" on the Shout soundtrack album.

In 1992, Aaron Spelling cast Jamie as the lead on the Fox series The Heights, in which he also sang the theme song "How Do You Talk to an Angel?." The single reached #1[1] on the Billboard Hot 100 on November 14, 1992 knocking Boyz II Men's "End of the Road" from the top spot. It was also nominated for an Emmy Award for "Outstanding Individual Achievement in Music and Lyrics". (The award went to Liza Minnelli.) The show was canceled by Fox, but it launched Jamie's music career when Atlantic Records took an interest in Walters and signed him to a recording contract.

In October 1994, Aaron Spelling created a role especially for Jamie on Beverly Hills, 90210, casting him as Ray Pruit, the musician-boyfriend of Donna (played by Tori Spelling). Jamie was a cast member of the hit show for two seasons until November 1996, when he asked Spelling to leave the show to focus on his music career.

On September 20, 1994, Jamie released his self-titled debut album Jamie Walters. The first single from the album "Hold On" peaked at no. 16 on the Billboard Hot 100.[5] Jamie made appearances on MTV and various shows to promote the album, and also had a nationwide tour. The album sold over 1 million copies and was certified platinum.

In 1997, Jamie released his second album 'Ride'. The album was certified gold.
With his residence in Los Angeles county, he pursued training, certification, and employment as a paramedic and worked with the Los Angeles County Fire Department. He is now working as a full-time firefighter/paramedic for the Los Angeles City Fire Department as of early 2004. Walters is focusing on his family and his career with the fire department but hopes to get back into music and acting sometime in the near future.

In 2009, Walters appeared in the VH1 reality show Confessions of a Teen Idol, in which former teen idols attempt to resurrect their careers.

Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

bahasa indonesia


Yang bertanda tangn dibawah ini :
I.          nama               : Doni Wijaya MM
alamat              : Jalan Gajah Mada No. 2, Jakarta
pekerjaan         : Direktur  PT. MOBILINDO JAYA SAKTI
untuk selanjutnya disebut sebagai Pihak Pertama selaku penjual

II.        nama                : Drs. Anton
alamat              : Jalan Sutomo No. 15, Jakarta
pekerjaan         : Kepala SMK 1
untuk selajutnya disebut sebagai Pihak Kedua selaku pembeli.

Kedua belah pihak dtelah mufakat untuk mengadakan perjanjian jual beli sebuah mobil setengah pakai sebagaimana diatur dalam pasal-pasal berikut ini :
Pasal 1
Pihak Pertama telah menjual kepada Pihak Kedua sebuah mobil setengah pakai milik Pihak Pertama bernomor Z8910H, nomor mesin GR0087X dan nomor polisi B6517C yang telah disetujui oleh Pihak Kedua.
Pasal 2
Jual beli mobil seharga Rp 45.000.000,00 (empat puluh lima juta rupiah) tersebuat akan dibayar oleh Pihak Kedua kepasa Pihak Pertama pada saat penandatanganan surat perjanjian ini.

Pasal 3
Dalam jual beli ini termasuk penyerahan hak milik Pihak Pertama atas mobil yang dijualnya tersebut seperti pada pasal 1 serta penyerahan barang-barang dan surat-suratnya dalam keadaan baik dan utuh.
Pasal 4
Mulai penyerahan kunci mobil tersebut maka segala risiko kerusakan barang yang akan timbul kemudian setelah barang sampai di tempat Pihak Kedua ditanggung Pihak Kedua.
Pasal 5
Pembalikan nama yang dipersoalkan dalam perjanjian ini atas Pihak Kedua diselenggarakan olehnya dan segala ongkos yang bertalian dengan balik nama itu serta perjanjian ini seperti bea materai akan dibayar dan menjadi beban Pihak Kedua.
Pasal Penutup
Demikian surat perjanjian ini dibuat dalam keadaan sadar san ditandatangani dalam rangkap 2, yang kedua-duanya mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang sama.

Jakarta, 10 Juli 2007

         Pihak Pertama                                                                            Pihak Kedua
            Doni Wijaya MM                                                                             Drs. Anton

         (                         )                                                                         (                        )

Saksi-saksi :
1. Agil Suto
2. Heru Benawa

Jumat, 07 Desember 2012


Ahoooooooyyyyyyyyyyyy lama tak bejumpa.

di postingan kali ini aku mau cerita tentang blog aku yang baru. blog baru ? iya blog baru, aku punya blog baru ini blognya  
mampir yoooooooooo. :D

mau tau alasan kenapa aku bikin blog baru ?
tadinya aku mau bikin blog baru itu cuma untuk catatan sehari2 aja, eh tapi kelupaan malah ada postingan gambar sama beberapa lagu yang aku suka, tapi ya gpp deh.

miris belum ada followersnya *hiksss
everybody yang lewat blog aku follow blog aku yang 1 lagi siiih, pokoknya mesti,kusu, harus, wajib *maksa :P

udah ah selanjutnya baca di blog 1-nya ok :D